At the party were: 1. Rachel Kavanagh; 2. Amanda Brunker; 3. Sara Kavanagh.
It’s official – Fair City actress Rachel Kavanagh is more popular than Bono! The stunning daughter of film star John Kavanagh has topped this year’s Social & Personal poll of the 50 Most-Invited of 2008, which is featured in the December issue of the magazine out this weekend.
“I’m so excited, I don’t know if this means I should stay home more or what, but it’s fantastic to think that I’m on all these guest lists,” said Rachel.
The list is judged in terms of the celebrities that people most want at their events. “Some people think that it’s all about those who are seen falling out of nightclubs early in the morning and know how to party ... but it’s actually judged in terms of the people who everyone wants to see at their opening or launch or whatever it might be,” commented Social & Personal publisher P J Gibbons.
The list was announced at the Social & Personal annual Christmas party in Cafe en Seine. Among those in attendance were Rachel Kavanagh, Leigh Arnold, Amy Huberman, Louis Walsh, Michelle Doherty, Bill Cullen and Jackie Lavin, Lisa Fitzpatrick and a host of well-known faces from the worlds of entertainment and fashion.