Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jameson Cult Film

Intermission: 1. Ellewyn Irwin and Colin Black; 2. Mary Kate Murray and Louise McDermott; 3. Audrey Hamilton and Carl Shabaan. (Pix. BME)

Following on from the infamous Danny DeVito ‘TrollFoot’ appearance at the last Jameson Cult Film Club screening in February, organisers were challenged with transporting the audience right into the world of the comedy-crime caper Intermission for an unforgettable viewing experience and ticket holders were not left disappointed.

Attendees were instructed to meet at a secret Docklands venue, which had been completely transformed into the movie’s Mega Mart. To ensure the crowd were completely immersed in the film from the moment they arrived, masked men interacted with the queuing crowd from their car as they tried to case the joint.

Enjoying the Jameson Cult Film Club experience was the movie’s line producer Des Martin who was joined by renowned film director Jim Sheridan. Following the screening, the party continued in true Jameson style with guests tucking into ‘LehiffBurgers’ and Jameson, Ginger and Lime long drinks while DJ Aidan Kelly took to the decks playing songs from the soundtrack including Colin Farrell’s rousing rendition of ‘I Fought the Law’.