At the announcement: 1. Orlaith Walsh and Aislinn Brennan; 2. Darcie Conway and Mark Giblin; 3. Diana Hurley and Shauna Lyons. (Pix. Leon Farrell / Photocall)
408 performances, 31 productions from 10 countries over 18 days!
This year the Ulster Bank Dublin Theatre Festival brings the best of Irish and International theatre to the capital for 18 days from 30th September.
2010 Highlights include: A wealth of international work including CIRCA (Australia), ENRON (UK), L’Effet de Serge (France), No Child… (USA), Diciembre (Chile) and The Wonderful World of Hugh Hughes (UK).
Focus on Polish Theatre presenting three monumental productions and an accompanying wrap around season of music, literature and film.
New Irish productions Garry Hynes directing The Silver Tassie (Druid), The Rehearsal, Playing The Dane directed by Gavin Quinn (Pan Pan), and Phaedra in a new version by Hilary Fannin and Ellen Cranitch directed by Lynne Parker (Rough Magic). A major season of Beckett, Pinter and Mamet at The Gate. Henrik Ibsen’s John Gabriel Borkman in a new version by Frank McGuinness at the Abbey (with Alan Rickman and Fiona Shaw)and Carmel Winters’ B is for Baby at the Peacock.
Bringing theatre to where you live - Festival expands its geographical reach going to axis: Ballymun for the first time (No Child… from USA) and touring to Civic Theatre and Draiocht (The Girl Who Forgot To Sing Badly – The Ark in association with Theatre Lovett).
- WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? – A major thematic strand looking at the changing role of the audience in contemporary theatre with three immersive creations from Ontroerend Goed, The Author by Tim Crouch and 565+ by Úna McKevitt.
- Three very successful Irish productions revived in partnership with Culture Ireland and Irish Theatre Institute in ReViewed – Una Santa Oscura (Playgroup and Ian Wilson in association with Project Arts Centre), Act Without Words II (Company SJ) and The Girl Who Forgot To Sing Badly (The Ark in association with Theatre Lovett).
- Three exciting productions from Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark in the Family Season.